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- MysticView history
- * 1.05
- - mysticview is freeware; updated texts and requesters
- accordingly.
- 1.04
- - slightly improved efficiency of the scanner
- - added %n placeholder in the PICFORMAT string
- for the picture's file format, as returned by
- the datatype.
- - updated and fixed documentation
- 1.03
- - new setting: SIMPLESCANNING. when activated, MysticView will
- add any scanned files to the filelist. no filetype detection
- takes place. later, when a file turns out to be not loadable
- as a picture, it will be silently removed from the list. this
- scanning mode is significantly faster than the default. note:
- this feature is still considered "beta" and only available
- via tooltypes.
- - supplied os3.5-icons in the "goodies" drawer.
- 1.02
- - CTRL-F-key now immediately switches to a preset, without opening
- a filerequester first.
- 1.01
- - when in fullscreen mode and with HIDEONCLOSE enabled, MysticView
- quitted when the invisible button in the screen's upper left
- was clicked. fixed.
- - added "Append Drag'n'Drop" option. when enabled, icons/drawers
- dragged onto MysticView's window will be added to the current
- list. tooltype is APPENDICONS.
- - slightly improved the example preset files.
- * 1.00
- - version number bumped
- 0.99h
- - v1.00 feature freeze.
- - menus are being restructured.
- - fixed a bug in the buffer size calculations which caused
- the background loader to run amok sometimes.
- - mysticview and all its libraries are now using v39 exec
- memory pools again.
- - improved the install script and supplied some configs.
- - neuralnet.library wasn't installed with earlier versions.
- fixed.
- - documentation updated and improved
- - an auto filerequester was opened even with filenames
- passed in the commandline. fixed.
- - added PICFORMAT setting. it allows to specify a format
- string for the picture info display. currently defined
- are %p - pathname, %f - filename, %w - width, %h - height,
- %d - depth. default "%f - %w×%h×%d".
- - fixed APPEND option.
- - MysticView and all libraries have been recompiled with
- higher optimization levels
- - added a lot of DirectoryOpus configuration hints and
- examples
- - when a loaded presetfile contained a new SORTMODE,
- MysticView did not immediately resort the list. fixed.
- - added a slightly updated version of MystiCube to the
- distribution
- - increased neural network training threshold
- 0.99g
- - fixed a bug in guigfx.library which caused MysticView
- to crash at exit, when the standard C= picture and ILBM
- datatypes were used for loading HAM pictures. thanks to
- Hexaae for the bug reports and debugging assistance.
- - the background loader has been rewritten from the
- scratch. the new loader is faster, and memory management
- is more efficient.
- - preloading (and caching) of multiple pictures is now
- supported. provided you have enough memory, MysticView
- can keep entire slideshows buffered in memory. Mysticview
- now reacts much better to skipping back and forwards in a
- picture list.
- this redesign also fixes a major bug (enforcer hits
- and crashes, when pictures were deleted from the
- list) and some minor problems.
- - added menu item "Scan Asynchronously" (corresponding
- tooltype is ASYNCSCANNING). the behavior of the background
- scanner is no longer dependent from the sortmode.
- - MysticView's multitasking is much nicer towards other
- applications now. all time-consuming jobs are running
- at the same priority. the default is 0 (if started from
- the workbench), or the same as of the shell process
- that launched MysticView. the PRIORITY setting has been
- removed. MysticView now works very comortable at high
- system load.
- - added GUI buttons for open, previous, next, slideshow,
- looping, etc. tooltype: SHOWBUTTONS. enabled by default.
- you may also use a set of your own buttons via the
- BUTTONPIC tooltype. a tiny animation of MysticView's
- logo has been included, too. the respective tooltype
- - MysticView now offers to change the filename for already
- existing pictures that are to be copied or moved.
- - copying, moving and deleting do no longer work
- asynchronously. MysticView now waits for these operations
- to complete.
- - added sort criteria filesize, filedate, combined
- path+filename, and a reverse-sort option.
- - the picture-info textline contains more useful
- information, and it updates while scanning and loading.
- - added self-starting feature, as known from many text
- editors. if another MysticView is running, the commandline
- option APPEND passes specified pictures/paths/patterns
- to that instance. if no other MysticView is found, a new
- instance will be started.
- - shareware-nagging has been removed.
- - added menu item "Add Pictures..." to the current
- filelist.
- - added menu item "Add from List..." to the current
- filelist.
- - static-palette rendering gives better results
- (guigfx.library v15.2)
- - filerequester simplified: the default filename is now
- set to "#?", so committing "Okay" without selecting
- any files will include the entire directory's contents.
- - Added "First" function for skipping back to the
- first picture in a list. Skipping back stops a slideshow.
- - fixed a long-standing bug in mysticview.library that
- caused pictures to be rendered incompletely in slideshows.
- - the SLIDEDELAY tooltype setting is now measured in
- 1:10th of seconds, no longer in seconds.
- - added PIP feature. (in this context it has nothing to
- do with graphics card hardware). it's experimental -
- do not use it, it doesn't work very well together with
- opaque window sizing, thanks to these #?%&@! layer
- cliprects.
- - the neural network which tries to predict the user's
- desired displaymode has changed. it has got more brains
- now, and it differentiates more picture parameters,
- but it also requires more training. the network is now
- also recalled during window-resizing, thus MysticView
- may immediately switch the displaymode. this makes the AI
- feature a bit more transparent to the user, but also a
- bit more nasty. simply let the menu item 'Options/Learn'
- disabled if you think it's too confusing. recommended
- reading: configuration/AUTODISPLAYMODE
- - MysticView's commandline arguments are now sorted
- alphabetically. this might interfere with any particularly
- useful order, but at least you've got the chance to find
- something.
- - MysticView will never trash its window borders again, and
- this ugly window-border-refresh-maintenance-signalling-task
- is no longer needed and has been removed.
- - added SHOWARROW option. when enabled, MysticView draws
- small arrows at a picture's borders when it is not
- fully visible. enabled by default.
- - usability via keyboard has been improved. the space bar
- is now used for 'one-hand' control of slideshows, which
- is 'handy' for wanking over porn slides, for example. most
- important functions are now available on the numeric
- keypad.
- - changed qualifiers for scrolling via keyboard. CTRL scrolls
- by 100%, SHIFT by 10%, no qualifier scrolls by 1% per stroke.
- - "Reset Display Settings" now reacts instantly, not only
- when a new picture is getting displayed
- - MysticView now instantly reacts to changes of the sort mode
- and sorts the picture list while scanning/loading/viewing.
- - the option KEEPIMAGE (i.e. keep the current image while
- another one is being loaded) is obsolete and has been
- removed.
- - MysticView now correctly displays loading errors, and
- automatically retries loading after flushing the cache
- when the reason for failure was a lack of memory.
- - new default background color.
- - HAM artifacts have been reduced to an absolute minimum
- (mysticview.library v4).
- - added menu item "Remove". as the name suggests,
- this function simply removes a picture from a list
- (without deleting or moving)
- - added menu item "Save List as..." for saving the current
- list of pictures as a listfile.
- - lists are identified by a tooltype in their respective
- icon: "MYSTICVIEW_LISTFILE=YES". you can drag'n'drop
- listfiles to MysticView's window or appicon now.
- - workbench-integration has been improved even further:
- you can start MysticView by double-clicking
- preset and listfile icons, and even both at the same
- time. (e.g. select a listfile, hold the shift key, and
- doublelick a presetfile - or the other way round.) you
- may also drag'n'drop listfile and preset icons on
- MysticView's window (or appicon) at the same time, or
- mix preset icons with pictures/directories/volumes.
- - the displaymodes "keep aspect max", "onepixel" and
- "fit to window" are no longer available in the menus.
- the remaining items have been renamed to
- "scale with aspect" and "display 1:1 pixel" (the last
- one corresponds to the IGNOREASPECT mode).
- - the option HIDEWITHPICTURE has been removed. MysticView
- no longer flushes the current (and buffered) pictures
- from memory when it gets iconified. scanning and
- preloading now silently continue in the background.
- - added an optional picture filter in filerequesters
- (tooltype: FILTERPICTURES). requested by hexaae.
- - requesting the previous picture stops a slideshow.
- - added DEFAULTTOOL setting
- - the REJECTPATTERN argument is now also used in
- filerequesters, not only applied to the picture scanner.
- - added tooltyoe items for a view's text and highlighting
- - added display refresh smoothing (SMOOTHDISPLAY). it will
- interpolate modifications on the display (only zooming
- and scrolling. rotating is not supported).
- - added tooltypes HIDEONCLOSE and HIDEONESCAPE.
- - the memory consumption for opaque-refreshing of
- truecolor pictures on non-truecolor screens has been
- reduced to only 25%, but its short-time peak memory
- consumption is even worse than before.
- - the picture cursor no longer trashes the window borders
- when a picture is rotated, nor does it overwrite
- the infotext. the picture cursor is no longer overwritten
- by the rendered picture - it's visible all the time now.
- - the cursor was placed incorrectly when the picture was
- rotated and zoomed. fixed.
- - some rare visual artifacts have been removed,
- such as background areas using a deallocated pen
- - with STARTPIC=none, MysticView did not always update its
- display correctly. fixed.
- - the former option PRELOAD is obsolete and has been removed.
- the loader is configured with the new setting BUFFERPERCENT.
- * 0.99f
- - newicon thumbnail creation did not work properly. fixed.
- - Thumbnail AutoUpdate now recognizes changes of the pictures
- themselves, as well as changes of the thumbnail parameters.
- - removed redundant modes from the screenmode requester.
- - some minor bugfixes.
- 0.99e
- - the neural network has been overworked.
- - the AUTOSAVESETTINGS setting is no longer saved in the icon,
- it is now part of the global configuration
- - MysticView did not read its settings from an icon when it
- was started as an icon's default tool. fixed.
- - added AUTOCROP setting
- 0.99d
- - added AUTODISPLAYMODE and a new menu entry "learn and predict".
- if activated, MysticView uses a small neural network to learn the
- user's desired displaymode for different kinds of pictures. "learn
- and predict" does not care about the rarely used displaymodes
- IGNOREASPECT and FIT. it will only learn from and try to predict
- - added a new icon by M. Grothmann.
- 0.99c
- - fixed display mode settings in the menus. mutual exclude
- was broken since 0.99b.
- - added menu item "rename to...". Renaming in this
- context means moving a picture to any place in the
- filing system. the difference towards "move picture"
- is that the picture is kept in the current picture
- list. requested by G. Hones.
- - MysticView's screen comes to front when a picture
- is dragged on the appicon. Requested by M. Grothmann.
- 0.99b
- - the commandline arguments were broken as of v0.99. fixed.
- - "reset display settings" is now considered when the display
- mode is changed. requested by infinity.
- - re-enabled the escape key for quitting. requested by
- P. Habermehl and J. Urbanek
- - added PRIORITY setting (normal, nice, low). the priority
- is only considered when mysticview starts.
- - the options menu has been completely restructured.
- some settings have been removed from the menu, they are
- only accessible throughout tooltypes now: Hide mode,
- simple/smart refresh, keep image when hidden
- - removed every second frame of the supplied animation from
- the archive. it appeared somehow obscene to me to include
- half a megabyte of animation data for silly demonstration
- purposes
- - by default the system's screen font is used for the
- picture info text.
- - added FONTSPEC tooltype for the picture info text.
- syntax: size[,name]. example: FONTSPEC=8,topaz
- - revised the documentation. many details did not reflect
- recent changes.
- - with LMBACTION=NEXT, only mouseclicks that exactly hit the
- picture will actually advance the picture list.
- - slightly modified the supplied example presets.
- * 0.99a
- - pictures moved to another directory are now removed from
- a list.
- - the package contained outdated versions of some libraries,
- and the installer did not update correclty. fixed.
- - the icons in the v0.99 archive still contained the old
- tooltype settings. fixed.
- 0.99
- - added configurable left mousebutton action ('drag' or 'next')
- - a default preset path is no longer defined.
- - fixed a bug in the presetfile generation.
- - fixed the startup. MysticView's icon settings were
- read and interpreted twice.
- 0.98j
- - all former boolean-type settings are now keyword settings.
- the keywords are "YES" and "NO".
- - removed the DEFICON tooltype.
- - SCROPENMODE "NONE" has been renamed to "DEFAULT".
- - restuctured the menus.
- - configurable paths and presets are now stored in env:/envarc:
- and saved automatically. this greatly enhances comfort and
- usability.
- - file management requesters are no longer opened on the default
- pubscreen, but rather on MysticView's screen.
- - Mysticview now uses the Workbench's SA_Pens when opening a
- new screen
- - added slideshow/no delay option.
- - added RESETDISPLAY setting. if enabled, the zoom/position/rotation
- settings are reset between pictures.
- - the installer no longer overwrites an already existing icon.
- - MysticView is no longer iconified when the close button is clicked
- or Escape is pressed. Iconify has to be invoked seperately.
- - changed some default settings.
- - added auto thumbnailing.
- - removed shareware limitation for thumbnail functions.
- - MysticView now creates icons for its preset files.
- - MysticView can now be started by doubleclicking a preset icon.
- - preset files can be dragged to MysticView's window.
- 0.98i
- - fixed mouse movement problem that somtimes occured when MysticView's
- screen was left or re-activated. thanks to persistant nagging
- from Joker. this was a MysticView bug and NOT caused by MCP.
- - fixed asl file requester enforcer hit
- - the same picture is no longer preloaded in the background when
- only one picture is in the queue.
- - included some more semaphore protections to the background
- picture handler
- - fixed a rejectpattern bug/enforcer hit when no rejectpattern
- was specified
- - added menu item "Negative"
- - added some busy pointers
- - changed some hardcoded defaults and default settings in the
- distribution.
- - iconify mode default is now hardcoded to NO.
- - a picture is no longer reloaded when "keep image when hidden"
- is selected, slideshow mode is active, only one picture is
- in the queue, and MysticView gets uniconified. the same applies
- if the screen/windowmode is changed ("keep image when hidden"
- is not considered in this case)
- 0.98h
- - you can now completely disable mysticview's logo by setting
- STARTPIC=none. mysticview now starts when a startpic wasn't
- found.
- - fixed a tiny memory leak in the settings that could occur with
- some options.
- - improved subtask stability
- - the startpic file requester could produce an enforcer hit. fixed.
- * 0.98g
- - fixed slideshow bug: when only one picture was selected
- and slideshow plus loop mode was activated, the picture
- was reloaded over and over again. reported by Joker.
- - minor aspect problems fixed.
- - the image aspect is now displayed in the information
- textline.
- 0.98f
- - added JPEG saving. (no options yet. default saving
- quality used).
- - fixed commandline options. reported by Kilyman.
- 0.98e
- - added autodither.
- - fixed timing problems in slideshow mode.
- 0.98d
- - MysticView now requires mysticview.library.
- 0.98c
- - MysticView has been slightly sped-up on truecolor displays.
- - added ZOOMSTEP.
- - limited newicon thumbnails to a size of 80x80 pixels and
- 64 colors. this will speed up the icon display on your
- Workbench. (this is still no final solution, though.)
- - added configurable slots for preset files. they can be
- accessed throughout CTRL F1 ... F10 and configured
- by selecting them from the menu. requested by H. Richter.
- - the same scheme now applies to the configurable destination
- paths for copying/moving. keyboard executes, menu selection
- configures.
- - slideshows didn't always stop immediately. fixed.
- - the REQUESTFILE option is now considered after a slideshow
- stopped. requested by P. Habermehl.
- - implemented SHOWCURSOR.
- - finally fixed the publicscreen/customscreen problem. the
- setting SCROPENMODE=CUSTOM/PUBLIC/NONE replaces the former
- tooltype CUSTOMSCREEN.
- MysticView is now a commodity. ESC to hide, Amiga-Q to quit.
- note: 'hide' keeps the current image - and you keep that in
- mind when you iconify MysticView with a 2880x1440x24 image :)
- - the screen is no longer closed and reopened for the change of
- window settings.
- - fixed a memory allocation bug with the PUBSCREEN setting.
- - many minor changes
- - added AUTOHIDE.
- - the picture aspect is now handled for thumbnails.
- - added pubscreen select and default/public/custom menu items.
- - added appicon
- - added rotation. (preliminary. SHOWCURSOR and grid refresh doesn't
- work corretly with the image being rotated)
- - fixed install script for 030/FPU version. Reported by B. Murray.
- - deleted pictures are now removed from the list and MysticView
- advances to the next picture. requested by P. Dahlberg.
- - added ROTATESTEP
- - added DEFICON
- - added CONFIRM. requested by P. Dahlberg.
- - added ICONIFY.
- 0.98b
- - fixed PUBSCREEN setting. pubscreens have got precedence
- over CUSTOMSCREEN now. reported by P. Habermehl and M.
- Kilimann.
- - fixed MysticView's new icon to use only required colors.
- reported by M. Kilimann.
- - looping and AUTOQUIT are now applied in general,
- not only in slideshow mode. requested by P. Habermehl.
- * 0.98a
- - forgot to implement NORECURSE tooltype setting. fixed.
- - added NOLOOP and AUTOQUIT settings. requested by P. Habermehl.
- - most important recent change: new default background color :)
- - implemented SORTMODE none/random/alpha
- - added limitations for unregistered users. :)
- 0.97h
- - added DITHERMODE setting. implemented EDD dithering.
- - renamed DITHER to DITHERING.
- - pictures that could not be loaded no longer interrupt
- slideshows, and a proper error message will be displayed.
- - added Delete Picture.
- - copy/move/delete now applies to the pictures' icons, too.
- - added STARTPIC setting.
- - restructured menus.
- - added Flip Horizontally and Flip Vertically.
- - MysticView now creates an icon for its settings, if necessary.
- - implemented loading and saving of presets, added PRESETPATH
- and PRESETFILE settings
- - fixed DEFAULT option. now the defaults are overridden by
- arguments specified in the command line.
- 0.97g
- - the preload task's priority has been reset to -1.
- - added newicon thumbnail feature. (preliminary,
- for experimental purposes only)
- * 0.97f
- - added preloading.
- - added invisible close and screenback gadgets. this works
- only when both the settings WINSIZEMODE=FULL and
- BACKDROP are specified.
- - MysticView no longer forgets the current filename when
- the configuration is changed, and slideshows will be
- continued.
- - added some more keyboard shortcuts
- - dropped the german documentation, created a guide file and
- an install script
- 0.97e
- - added picture information and PICINFO setting
- - implemented a new picture-management class consisting
- of several subtasks.
- - slideshow now works as expected. (preload is not
- yet re-implemented, though)
- - fixed many menu-related problems and improved menu layout
- - added copy to..., move to... for 10 configurable slots each.
- - all path/filenames are now handled dynamically
- - with the REQUESTFILE option enabled, a requester no
- longer pops up when images were specified at startup.
- - improved memory management
- - when initialization fails, a requester is shown for
- retry, cancel, or retry using defaults.
- - added LISTFILE commandline option. it allows to specify a
- list file from where to fetch pictures.
- - added Open List File... menu and LISTPATH config.
- - the window border is now refreshed correctly (after approx.
- 1/5 second. guess what, a subtask is used here. opaque window
- sizing would suffer too much from refreshing the window border
- all the time :)
- - finally! MysticView should close down gently now if the required
- versions of guigfx or render.library could not be opened (#&§@%!?)
- - new icon tooltypes are created dynamically. no need to upgrade
- MysticView's icon anymore.
- 0.97d
- - the configuration is now saved to MysticView's icon.
- - menu items didn't toggle correctly (forgot MENUTOGGLE.
- what the heck, why does this work with MagicMenu ;)
- - added more CTRL_C exit breakpoints
- - the main task priority is now reset correctly.
- - improved handling
- - major menu layout rework
- - added grid refresh
- - fixed lots of minor quirks and problems
- 0.97c
- - slightly improved screenmode selection logic:
- default screen size is now the workbench's visual
- dimensions, no longer its absolute size.
- - re-implemented screenaspect tooltypes (thanks to ZZA :)
- - added slideshow mode
- - MysticViw now reads its configuration from the icon,
- even when started from shell. commandline arguments
- simply override the settings from the icon's tooltypes.
- - added mouse scrolling - it's now possible to drag the
- picture around in MysticView's window.
- - added a lot of menu items
- - improved HAM refresh logic
- - the screen's title bar is no longer obscured in
- - added screenmode requester
- 0.97b
- - MysticView crashed without cybergraphics. Fixed.
- 0.97a
- - The display part has been rewritten. Now a daemon-like
- view-class handles the display as a background task.
- the new display logic is faster.
- - implemented zooming and scrolling in all displaymodes
- (except for DISPLAYMODE=FIT).
- DISPLAYMODE=ONEPIXEL has got a slightly different meaning now.
- - implemented asychronous, recursive directory scanning.
- - multiselect und patternmatching is now supported via
- drag&drop, filerequester, commandline and wbstart.
- - added some keyboard shortcuts.
- - Next and Previous Picture is now implemented.
- - BORDERLESS has been renamed to BACKDROP.
- - PREVIEW und OPAQUESIZING are combined to a new single option: OPAQUE.
- - added new options QUICKPALETTE and DITHER.
- - added some menu configurations.
- 0.96n
- - MysticView now uses DoPictureMethod()/PICMTHD_MAPDRAWHANDLE for
- quick drawing in preview mode and for opaque sizing.
- 0.96m
- - fixed a minor pubscreen problem.
- 0.96l
- - a logo task is no longer launched when a startup
- picture is specified.
- - minor internal changes
- 0.96k
- - since v0.96j, MysticView uses guigfx.library v3
- features, but it still opened guigfx.library v1.
- fixed.
- - minor problems corrected.
- - when a startup picture is specified, the logo task is
- launched with a lower priority than the load task.
- - added STARTPATH tooltype.
- 0.96j
- - added RENDERMEM option
- - fixed ASL filerequester problems.
- 0.96i
- - added cursor and mouse scrolling in DISPLAYMODE=ONEPIXEL.
- - window is now WFLG_ACTIVATE.
- - improved refresh mechanism.
- - added KEEPIMAGE.
- 0.96h
- - added a nicer rendered logo and dropped alpha-channel processing
- for the logo in TRANSPARENCY mode.
- - KEEPASPECT now works in TRANSPARENCY mode on screens with
- aspects different from 1:1.
- - TRANSPARENCY is slightly faster.
- - removed NOBACKFILL hook in TRANSPARENCY mode.
- - added BGCOLOR option.
- 0.96f
- - drastically reduced memory consumption.
- 0.96e
- - implemented tooltypes SCREENASPECTX and SCREENASPECTY for
- correction of distorted screen aspects (e.g. Cybergraphics
- 640x256, or custom screen modes boosted with MonEd etc)
- - since the autodither value cannot be computed for rendering
- to HAM screen modes, HAM dithering is always enabled with
- AUTODITHER != 0 and disabled with AUTODITHER=0.
- - (finally?) solved all subtask administritation problems.
- - fixed commandline and wbarg parsing and supplied a proper
- template.
- - MysticView now quits with the ESC key.
- - added REQUESTFILE for MysticView to open a filerequester on
- startup.
- - The filerequester now opens asynchronously.
- - included Mac's newicon.
- 0.96d
- - Fixed a minor problem with MysticView running multiple
- times on HAM public screens.
- - Fixed Division-by-zero problem in MysticView's drawtask
- (hopefully)
- - improved subtask data-share mechanism
- - tooltype options are no longer case sensitive.
- 0.96c
- - Added tooltype option HAM for MysticView to open
- a HAM screen in combination with CUSTOMSCREEN.
- 0.96b
- - re-implemented transparency mode
- - implemented About requester
- - improved TRANSPARENCY mode: the background is no longer
- snapped when a REFRESHWINDOW message arrives
- 0.96a
- - MysticView has been completely restructured in preparation
- for further enhancements
- 0.95g
- - added DirOpus configuration example.
- - MysticView has got a menu and a filerequester for loading.
- - if CUSTOMSCREEN is specified, the new screen is actually
- a pubscreen.
- - implemented PRECISION tooltype.
- - 0.95f was eating its own signals - after 16 refresh signal
- arrivals, no more subtasks could be created. Fixed.
- 0.95f
- - added filename argument and FILENAME tooltype.
- 0.95e
- - MysticView did not work without Cybergraphics. Fixed.
- Thanks to Plex and New Mode who reported this bug.
- 0.95d
- - minor problems fixed.
- 0.95c
- - improved speed.
- - implemented CUSTOMSCREEN and DEPTH for MysticView to
- open on a custom sreen. These features are preliminary,
- though.
- 0.95
- - implemented more reliable shared-data access for
- MysticView's subtasks.
- - drawtask priority reset to 0.
- - removed a lot of bugs from the subtask admin code.
- - MysticView does no longer lose memory.
- 0.94
- - supplied a NOBACKFILL hook for the window.
- - unallocated pens and undefined areas are no longer visible.
- - the redraw task now runs with a priority of -1.
- - slightly improved opaque-sizing. the rastered bitmap is
- precalculated right after loading, when OPAQUESIZING=TRUE
- - fixed WINTOP and WINLEFT.
- 0.93
- - added asynchronous drawing - leading to much better
- window handling
- - MysticView runs with a priority of 1, its subtasks
- with a priority of 0
- - added tooltype options
- 0.92
- - implemented DISPMODE_ONEPIXEL.
- - heavily trained for stableness.
- 0.91
- - memory management improved
- 0.9
- - completely rewritten from the scratch, now using
- guigfx.library. features asynchronous loading,
- a transparent window, dithering, more elaborated
- window sizing and opening techniques,
- different display modes, and much more.
- -------------------------- cut ---------------------------
- 0.76
- - layout improved.
- - implemented ADAPTIVEBORDER
- 0.75
- - added lots of tooltype options
- - fixed many minor problems
- - greatly improved some image refresh problems.
- * 0.68
- - minor changes
- - there was a heavy bug in v16.1 and v16.2 of render.library.
- I guess that MysticView crashed right at startup if you did
- NOT use the 68060 version. Sorry. I bumped the required
- library version to v17 where this bug has been fixed.
- 0.67
- - major rework and clean-up
- 0.66
- - The color allocation strategy has been improved.
- 0.65
- - I couldn't quickly get rid of some heavy bugs I've
- introduced with v0.64. So I decided to continue work
- with v0.62 and render.library v12.0.
- Asynchronous loading is no longer implemented.
- This version seems to work pretty stable.
- 0.64
- - asynchronous loading implemented.
- 0.63
- - About is asynchronous now.
- - improved color allocation strategy.
- - MysticView crashed on 2-color-displays. Fixed.
- 0.62
- - better allocation strategy for critical colors on
- displays with few sharable pens.
- - Filerequester implemented.
- - A percentual render progress display and several messages
- are displayed in the window's title bar.
- - The picture's width is now layouted pixelwise, no longer in
- multiples of 16 pixels.
- - Various enhancements and bugfixes
- 0.60
- - Faster display.
- - Several bugs fixed.
- - Fixed display problems (window borders and flicker...).
- - Pooled memory management implemented.
- - Window is SIMPLE_REFRESH now.
- - Requires less memory.
- - Nicer logo.
- - Menu implemented for "About" requester and "Quit". Other
- menu functions are not yet implemented.
- 0.53
- - faster window refresh.
- - Requires less memory
- 0.52
- - now takes care of aspect ratios.
- This applies to both the image and the screen mode.
- - nicer logo
- 0.51
- - MysticView lost memory. Fixed.
- - Sped-up window refresh after resizing.
- 0.50
- - initial version